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main(String[]) - Static method in class com.rit.dca.pubpaper.Main
Main - Class in com.rit.dca.pubpaper
Main() - Constructor for class com.rit.dca.pubpaper.Main
message - Variable in exception com.rit.dca.pubpaper.exception.PubPaperException
messageInformation - Variable in exception com.rit.dca.pubpaper.exception.PubPaperException
ModelUtil - Class in com.rit.dca.pubpaper.model
ModelUtil() - Constructor for class com.rit.dca.pubpaper.model.ModelUtil
modifyData(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.rit.dca.pubpaper.database.MySQLDatabase
Execute Update, Delete and Insert queries using preparedStatement
MYSQL_DRIVER - Static variable in class com.rit.dca.pubpaper.database.MySQLUtil
MySQLDatabase - Class in com.rit.dca.pubpaper.database
Database Connectivity and Access
MySQLDatabase(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.rit.dca.pubpaper.database.MySQLDatabase
Parameterized Constructor that takes in the database url, username and password
MySQLUtil - Class in com.rit.dca.pubpaper.database
MySQLUtil() - Constructor for class com.rit.dca.pubpaper.database.MySQLUtil
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