Spothole (Authority App)

This page contains the wireframes for the Spothole Authority App (Desktop Variant)

Wireframes have been designed using Figma

Sign In Screen

This screen represents the Google Login Screen

It contains three main components. The background image (powered by Unsplash), the Google Sign In Button and the App Logo.

Dashboard Screen

Once the authority has signed in successfully, they are presented with the dashboard screen which is divided into two main sections.

The first being the analytics section. This section contains two charts.

The first is a donut chart which shows a high level view of the user reports in the authority's zone based on the status (approved, submitted, in progress, etc).

Next to that is the stacked bar chart which provides a more detailed view of the status, but this time based on severity as well.

After which users are asked to use a progress indicator to specify how severe the reported pothole(s) is(are) according to them.

The second section on the dashboard is a filterable data table containing details about the various user reports. This datatable has options for sorting, filtering, selecting specific columns, searching, exporting the data as csv and printing the table contents too.

On clicking any report in the datatable, the authority is presented with the option to update it (status and severity). On pressing update they are asked to describe their reason of update in a required custom description box.

Authorities can also comment on the report they clicked on and view all the other details of the report as a user would in their My Complaints screen.

Users are sent notifications through email after any update is made on their report.

Manage Users

This screen presents the authority to manage all active users in their zone through a filterable data table.

The data table contains options to filter, search, sort, select columns.

They can view their basic profile details.

They can update their status to either blocked or allowed based on their activity too.

Users are sent out email notifications regarding updates in their status every time an authority makes a change.

Map Region View Screen

Another screen in the authority app is the map region view section. Here they can view potholes reported in their region through an interactive map view.

A legend is displayed for helping understand the map better.

Custom markers for potholes with different status values ranging on severity are presented to the auhtority on the map.

Custom markers for potholes with status approved ranging on severity are presented to the user on the route if they are close to the route.

Authorities can click on any of the markers to view the information window for it. On pressing the view button in the info window authorities are presented with the view and update detailed report section.

They can update the status and severity directly from this view after clicking the button in the info window. On pressing update they are asked to describe their reason of update in a required custom description box.

Authorities can also comment on the report they clicked on and view all the other details of the report as a user would in their My Complaints screen.

Users are sent notifications through email after any update is made on their report.

Also, there is a street view renderer for the users.

Finally there is an option to toggle on and off a heat map layer which is weighted on the severity of potholes reported in the region.

Profile Screen

This screen contains the basic details (avatar, name, email address of the user)

It also contains the address of the authority.

It is then followed by a counter for reports in the authority's zone with a status of either pending, in progress, approved, completed or cancelled.